The Who, What, Where, When, and Why of Stephen Ministry at Westminster 

Who are the Stephen Ministers and Stephen Leaders at Westminster?  At this time  Westminster’s active Stephen Ministers are Laurie Dorn, Belva Knight, Nancy Quinn, David Radovich, Susan Radovich, Dave Rumas, Sally Saculla, and Julie Sannito.  The active Stephen Leaders are Joe Keefner, Belva Knight, Nancy Quinn, and Sally Saculla.  The Stephen Leaders are planning a Spring 2023 class to train new Stephen Ministers. 

An active Stephen Minister, in addition to meeting with his/her care receiver, also attends the monthly supervision meetings.  At the supervision meetings Stephen Ministers participate in continuing education, group building and encouraging one another in their role as a Stephen Minister. 

What is Stephen Ministry?  Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry started in 1975 by Dr. Kenneth Haugk.  As a pastor, clinical psychologist, author and educator, Haugk saw a great need in his own congregation to help people get through trying times. 

A Stephen Minister is a caring, compassionate friend, a good listener, a firm believer in God, and someone who can keep confidences.  Stephen Ministers’ purpose is to give people who are experiencing challenges, or a crisis a friend who will not give advice, will not judge, but will be a sounding board when they just need to talk.  In other words, a Stephen Minister is a Christian friend. 

Where do you find Stephen Ministry?  Stephen Ministry is found nationwide and worldwide in over 13,000 Christian churches.  At Westminster our Stephen Ministry group meets at church on the third Wednesday of each month for supervision, as described above. If you are looking for a Stephen Ministers, please contact Nancy Quinn at (219) 680-9641. 

When did Stephen Ministry begin at Westminster?  In July of 1992, Gregg Neel and Jeanne Tibbles attended a weeklong Stephen Leaders Training Conference.  Upon their return, Gregg and Jeanne organized the 50 hours of training classes and guided eight people toward becoming Westminster’s first class of Stephen Ministers.  In the thirty years since Stephen Ministry has been part of WPC, a number of individuals have been blessed to serve as Stephen Ministers.  More importantly, many individuals have benefited from the caring, compassionate friendship that Stephen Ministry provides. 

Why has two components: (1) Why someone would want a Stephen Minister and     (2) Why would someone become a Stephen Minister?  First, there is much benefit in talking to a caring Christian friend when it isn’t possible or practical to share concerns with a family member or even your best friend.  A Stephen Minister is ready to be that person, a confidential, compassionate and non-judgmental caregiver.  

Stephen Ministers have been specially trained to help individuals deal with situations such as illness or hospitalization, family frustrations and challenges, moving, death or serious loss, faith issues, terminal illness, loneliness, job loss, aging and elderly concerns, divorce, just to mention a few.  A Stephen Minister’s purpose is to give people who are experiencing challenges, or a crisis, a Christian friend who will walk with them during a difficult time. 

Turning now to why someone would want to become a Stephen Minister?  Many Stephen Ministers feel called by God to serve as part of this lay ministry.  After serving for a while, most Stephen Ministers report that “the call” has become “a gift”. 

If you would like more information about becoming a Stephen Minister or know of someone who might be interested in receiving the care of a Stephen Minister, please call Nancy Quinn at (219) 680-9641.  Remember, please do not refer a friend without first obtaining their permission.